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Goal of the Demo

The vision of the POC is to enable all functions for a credit use case including,

  • Search - Search by farmer of desired credit product
  • Select - Farmer selects the credit product
  • Init - The order gets initiated and farmer can fill loan application
  • Confirm - Farmer can see his submitted loan product
  • Track - Farmer can track all application form filled by him
  • Update - Upon review of application, loan officer reverts back the loan to the farmer
  • Cancel - Application form gets canceled by farmer

Elements of the POC

  1. Farmer side portal
  2. Bank side portal
  3. UFSI (transaction spec - discovery, order, fulfillment, post-fulfillment)

UFSI flow for one sample spec (Search) UFSI flow for one sample spec

  1. Client- Farmer side application (farmer credit portal) - Here farmer selects any product
  2. Proxy - Establish to help route requests from client to the beck-in-a-box block
  3. BeckN Application Platform - Connects client side to the netowork
  4. BeckN Provider Platform - Connects provider side to the network
  5. Bank server - Enables bank to revert to all client request (across discovery, order, fulfillment, post-fulfillment)