Unified Farmers’ Service Interface (Decentralized network)
Use Cases
- Creation of open and configurable APIs for farmer data usage
- Transactional APIs for service discovery, order, fulfillment, and post-fulfillment
- Based on the data and transactional APIs, registries will be created for providers and cataloged products
UFSI is a decentralized network with interoperable protocol specification which includes,
- Open and configurable APIs to help leverage farmer data
- Transactional APIs for service discovery, order, fulfillment, and post-fulfillment
- Registries created for providers and cataloged products or services
Three parts of UFSI
- Agri Data Exchange (ADE) - providing a safe and secure way for consent driven access of farmer data
- BeckN - a set of specifications consisting of APIs, data models, reference architecture, transaction mechanisms, and global standards that enable the creation of decentralized network
- Usage Policy Registry - a registry created by the data governors to exercise usage control. A usage policy is a PDF artifact generated by the governing authority for access to data. This allows for storage of policy in a registry for legal requirements
- Data Consumer Registry - a registry which ensures every data consumer is registered and provided with a unique token, which is in turn used to identify a consumer
- BecN Registry - Certification on a Beckn-enabled network works by listing the network participants on the registrars of the certification authority. Any network participant listed on an open registry is implicitly assumed to be certified